Lunar days
Lunar days in Astrology. after Pavel Pankratov, the author.

The 27-th Lunar Day

The twenty-seventh day of the lunar calendar is a day dedicated to the inner, spiritual world of man.

On this day, one should forget about the material world and try to maintain an easy, relaxed state that will help in resolving many internal issues. It's best if a person walks this day on the road, as she tunes in the right way.

Another day that needs to be done without wasting energy and energy for nothing. It is impossible to abuse accumulated potential, otherwise the body can be depleted.

It is not advisable to look in the mirror on the twenty-seventh day of the lunar calendar - this may give rise to feelings of inferiority. It is best to meditate on this day, as there is an opportunity to get an intuitive insight, to see the long-awaited way out of a situation that requires resolution long ago.

Do not give too much attention to everyday problems, when time requires focusing on high matters.

The knowledge and skills gained on this day of the lunar calendar will be useful. You can begin the journey, especially the sea. Also, the day is favorable for garden work, for the care of flowers. On the twenty-seventh day of the lunar calendar, a person learns to cognize the world from an unexpected side that was previously closed. It is good to pay debts that day.

The day is suitable for listening to music, walking in nature. You should not visit the cemetery, so as not to lose energy for sadness and longing. It is undesirable to eat potatoes and citrus fruits. Also the day is unfavorable for marriage.

The most vulnerable part of the human body on this day is the shin, and any curative effect can not be exerted on them. Blood circulation may be disturbed and thrombophlebitis may worsen.